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Hey, what’s going on?
Logan here,
I was in Vegas a couple weeks back really diving deep with an awesome client. And one of the topics he brought up was how easy it can be to backslide when life gets in the way.
He said, “Logan, I just get rattled sometimes. And it’s not even related to emergency situations. Something from the work front that I wasn’t expecting or something on the family front pops up suddenly, and it puts me in reactionary mode. Everything I intended to do that week gets put on the back burner.”
This is something a lot of my clients deal with.
They’re high performers with a mile-long list of responsibilities and obligations on their plate. These guys really want to put their health first and take care of themselves.
They want to get their energy back.
They want to feel like a million bucks.
They want to look like a million bucks.
But it can seem impossible when so many things keep getting thrown on their plate and their intentions just keep getting pushed to the side.
If you’ve experienced this, I get it. I have a very powerful way to overcome this. If you ever find yourself getting rattled from the week, and all your intentions of taking care of yourself fall by the wayside, here’s what you do:
The Sunday Strategy.
It’s not limited to only Sundays, but the name is much catchier like that, right? Anytime before the beginning of your week happens is totally fine.
All you have to do is make sure you have a good game plan for the following week. You probably already have standing meetings. You probably have things that can’t be moved. You probably have a lot of people who want your attention.
So take at least an hour to slow down for a second before the next week starts and create a solid game plan for yourself. You’ll be able to mitigate the chaos that comes your way throughout the week and stand by your non-negotiables.
I’d like to clarify what I mean by non-negotiables—
-Taking care of yourself
-Getting the morning routine in
-Or any other healthy habits that make you feel better
Yes, there will be other things coming at you, but at least you’ll be in control with a game plan. You’ll stop being in this out-of-control, flying by the seat of your pants, on the whim of everything state.
It’s simple but effective. I’ve found it’s the simple things that get forgotten the fastest with the type of lifestyle my guys have.
Are you a high-performing busy guy over 40?
Are you to the point where you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Are you ready to get more energy, enthusiasm, and better physical health?
You can do all that without sacrificing your productivity. Getting back to the guy you saw in the mirror in your early 20s is attainable.
If any of this hits home and you’d like your own personalized game plan to follow that takes out the guesswork and allows you to get back your younger self and get to your goals faster without getting rattled?
Don’t let everybody else control what’s going on in your world.
Let go of getting rattled so you can get to your goals much faster. You’ve got this.
That’s all I’ve got for now.
Always in your corner,
P.S.- If you want personalized support to maximize your energy, regain your edge and take back control of your health so you can feel like you’re 25 again, ready to rip the door off the hinges without getting rattled or taking over your entire life in the process? Then click here to learn exactly how the Accelerated Method can help you do all of that and more in just 12-24 min a day.
Hey, Logan Henry here,
So recently, I spoke with a guy who reached out for support and he told me how he started to feel:
“Like the sweaty fat guy…”
Because every time he’d go into an important meeting that he found himself profusely sweating…
Mentioning “this never happened to me when I
was in shape…”
and this really started to affect his performance in work
thinking people were starting to perceive him as a slob, especially those he leads and the clients he interacts with on the day to day
Not to mention everything else he was
…how angry he was every time he went to put
clothes on because nothing fit him anymore
(even telling me how it’s costing him money
because he had to go out and buy a new sports
coat and larger pants)
…how he began to avoid going to important
public outings because of how uncomfortable he
felt in his clothes and how he carried
…how he saw recent photos of
himself and was completely disgusted because
he couldn’t even recognize himself anymore
…how lethargic he felt in important
meetings or just simply engaging with people
…how he felt like crap pretty much all the
…how he was sick of seeing his belly in the mirror
And the most frustrating thing…
He wanted to do something about it, but just
couldn’t figure out where he was going to find the
time, especially with his busy travel schedule
Especially with all the fit ‘gurus’ out there
that told him to get amazing results, he must:
– Sweat for countless hours in the gym
– Attend busy, vomit inducing crossfit style
– Kill himself with time-consuming
(and pain-inducing) workouts that
leave him sore for days
– Spend ages doing cardio
^^ Just reading that is exhausting
and for many of the men I work with, finding
the time to workout for hours on end is
literally impossible
usually because of their hectic schedules and busy careers,
and so because they think that they won’t see
any results without doing all that crazy
they either struggle to find the motivation
to get started
or they stick to it for 3 or 4 weeks and then give
because they think “if I’m not doing it
perfectly, then why bother!?”
and that leaves them frustrated with their
bodies, energy levels and shopping for
clothes and not living life to the fullest
Maybe you can relate?
What I want you to consider is that you don’t
need to be perfect to see incredible results
in the mirror
You just need to be CONSISTENT
and for busy men with a lot on their plates,
that’s only possible with workouts which are
simple and efficient
Which can be done from home in 12-24 minutes
Which don’t drain your energy levels
Which don’t leave you absolutely exhausted
and which deliver DRAMATIC results with the
least amount of time and effort
^^ this is what I do inside my program and
how I have guys transforming the way their
clothes fit and releasing 12-34lbs of fat in
90 days or less even with an almost impossible
schedule and a chaotic life 🙂
Consider consistency overrides variety only
but 100% of the time.
I hope that helps.
In your corner,
Plus, whenever you’re ready here are a couple ways I can help you…
1- If you’re fed up with your clothes not fitting comfortably, sick of seeing the belly in the mirror and tired of feeling exhausted all the time and you’d like to learn about the LostFit Accelerated Method and how we help busy guys drop 12 to 34lbs of belly fat, transform the way their clothes fit and maximize their energy levels in just 12-24 minutes of your time, 4 days a week without fitness taking over your entire life in the process or having to step foot in a gym
simply CLICK HERE to learn more
2- If you’d like to be part of our next group of busy guys over 40 who are effortlessly shedding
belly fat, doubling their energy and boosting their self-confidence faster than anything
they’ve tried before so that you can feel like an absolute rockstar in both the boardroom and the bedroom…
Just reach out to logan@lostfit.com with the subject line ‘Rockstar’ and I’ll shoot you over the details
3. Get access to my BRAND NEW FREE online training course showing you:
“How Businessmen Over 40 are Maximizing their Energy, Transforming the Way their
Clothes Fit & Dropping Belly Fat in Just 12-24 Mins a Day without Taking Over their Entire Life in the Process”
Click Here To Access The Free Training >>
Hey, Logan here,
Dunno if you’ve experienced this
But a lotta guys I speak to tell me
“You know what Logan”
“I feel guilty at the end of the day because I’m so wiped out from work that I don’t feel like I have anything left to give to my family when I walk through the door”
Maybe you can relate?
Whether that’s finding the energy to play with the kids or do their homework
Have a present conversation with the woman you love
Or get those jobs done on the “honey-do list” that have been put off for weeks
I want you to know I get it…
Being married, with kids, and having a job that requires so much of you…
Can sometimes feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.
So what’s the answer…
Well, think of it like this…
Ever been on a plane where they say “fit your oxygen mask first?”
The same is true in your own life
A lot of men struggle because they prioritize their work, their family, and all the “important” things in their life over themselves.
But consider that if you want to be at your best you gotta fit your own oxygen mask first.
This is why I created the Oxygen Mask Protocol for my clients.
The Oxygen Mask is 3 simple activities that my clients do first thing in the morning to set their day up for success…
So they can have energy ALL DAY instead of feeling burned out by 2 pm and be present and engaged when they walk through the door on an evening.
I’m gonna be sharing the Oxygen Mask Protocol with a few men this month
Would you like to join us?
If so, just shoot me a quick message with the word “OXYGEN” here:
Or shoot me an email over at logan@lostfit.com with the word “OXYGEN” as the subject line and I’ll shoot you the details.
In your corner,
Hey, Logan here,
Let me be clear…
It’s not that you can’t drop weight, shed belly fat or
get lean, toned, and fit at a fast pace, it’s doing it right AND making it sustainable.
So, to help you with that here are:
21 Reasons Why You May Not Be Dropping Weight (especially around the midsection)
1. You’re constantly changing things around
and not sticking to a plan (lack of consistency)
2. You’re impatient. Even if you have achieved rapid weight loss through a “quick fix”
– it’s unsustainable and you go on a roller coaster- your aim should be to lose 1lb to 2.5lbs
per week…
…maybe even 2.83lbs per week you can get away with- can you lose more?…
Of course, I’ve had clients drop much more in a given week, but IF your goal is long-term results and not some short-term quick-fix that may not last…
… I’d stick between the 1lb to 2.83lb range per week
Because it’s sustainable.
Meaning it’s results that will LAST.
And I hear ya…
“But this one thing I tried in the past I lost like 30lbs in a month”
My questions to you are:
How’d that ‘fast approach’ work for you long term?
Why didn’t the results stick?
and was that approach even enjoyable to you?
EVEN more important than ‘weight’ is inches dropped (inches dropped from the midsection, chest, sides etc)
AND liking how you LOOK AND FEEL (the way clothes fit, energy levels, confidence levels, progress photos etc)
3. You are not changing 1-2 habits at a time and taking on a huge chunk only to find it unsustainable. Prove to yourself you can do smaller things first and build up to more complex (or more habits at once)
Consider BIG results start with SMALL actions
4. You lack consistency with training and calorie intake. When both have huge variables
and no plan or consistency, you mustn’t question why you’re not getting results.
5. You take in too many calories in comparison to how many you burn (this is basic but one of the most important laws of
weight loss-it doesn’t matter if the food you are eating is quote on quote – “healthy”
5.1 you’re not eating enough calories…this is what a lot of ‘quick-fix fad’ diets preach… (the problem with this strategy is that it will result in wrecking your metabolism and hormones and will eventually get you to stall on your progress or worse..gaining back all the weight you lost and more) – plus, there’s a strong chance you won’t like the way you look when you take your shirt off with this approach
6. You don’t burn enough calories compared to how many you consume (this plays in line with #5)
7. You blame metabolism/advice/genetics before inconsistency and not eating in line with your goals.
8. You reward yourself with food rather than just enjoying opportunities to enjoy the food.
Instead of grabbing something that serves you and your goals, you grab the nearest thing that doesn’t fit your plan – this creates and reinforces binge behaviors.
9. You start using tools like thermogenic’s or crazy super low-calorie diets, Hardcore
‘Beast mode’ type training, etc… At the beginning for weeks, even longer, simple habit changes and
nutrition regulation along with ramping up simple resistance training is more than enough to see great changes.
10. You’re playing an ‘interested’ game rather than a COMMITTED game. Consider we get what we’re committed to… NOT what we’re ‘interested in.
Imagine being only “50” “60” or even “70” percent committed to an important relationship… how do you think that relationship will go?
The same thing applies to your body, health and anything else
for that matter
100% commitment = 100% results, period.
11) You’ve been convinced to believe that both carbs and fat are bad.
I’m here to tell you neither are bad…It just depends on the timing you have them. So you end up dropping
both too low, leaving you with hardly any calories or fuel to keep your metabolism going.
The question is just how much for YOU based on our lifestyle, goals, etc.
12) You keep looking for the best “fat burning program,” “fat burning supplement or “the secret fat burning diet”. There is training and there is food -how you eat and train will dictate how you drop weight and shed fat.
13) You follow a generic plan that isn’t fit for someone over 40. Your plan should be able to fit your lifestyle and work to balance out your hormones.
14) You are not accountable to anyone and keep asking yourself why you fall off from being compliant. Consider it’s easy to fail in private, but when you have someone in your corner holding you to a higher standard, that’s when the game (and your results) change for the better
15) You’re measuring outcomes, not actions.
You can’t always control outcomes because of genetics, variability, etc. but you can control the actions that lead you to the outcomes!
Focus on the things you DO on a daily vs. constantly stepping on the scale and losing track of the actions that achieve
the goal.
Consider it’s your consistency to executing the right ACTIONS daily that will equate to your results in the end.
16) Not having a support group and positive environment. Consider your environment is everything along with the people that surround you and support you (or in many cases, you’re surrounded by people that DON’T support you – all the above will be hard to overcome in that type of environment).
17) You drink your calories. Most will drop weight if they cut down on the soda and especially the booze.
Don’t get it twisted…
I’m not saying you have to live like a monk…but you’ve got to be mindful of the liquid you’re consuming…
At least if you want a physical appearance that turns heads and the energy and sex drive you had in your early 20’s
18)You’re guessing on what to do and you lack true clarity on the right plan of action to take.
Consider guessing is one of the most costly behaviors you can have.
See, without clarity, you lack certainty.
And without certainty, you can pretty much kiss your goals goodbye.
19) You’re lacking QUALITY sleep and don’t have any systems in place to ensure you get a full night’s rest
Less quality sleep = More Weight Gain and More Energy Drain (and less mental clarity and focus…no bueno)
20) You’re not managing your stress levels (if your stress levels are through the roof then so are your cortisol levels…and high bouts of cortisol will basically make it nearly impossible to drop weight, especially from the belly)
21) You keep thinking about it…and telling yourself ‘tomorrow’ …but don’t ever start
My advice?
Start NOW.
Consider doing anything. (maybe even this here)
Regardless of what you choose to do.
Consider something is better than nothing.
In your corner,
Plus, whenever you’re ready here are a couple ways I can help you…
1- If you’re fed up with your clothes not fitting comfortably, sick of seeing the belly in the mirror and tired of feeling exhausted all the time and you’d like to learn about the LostFit Accelerated Method and how we help busy guys drop 12 to 34lbs of belly fat, transform the way their clothes fit and maximize their energy levels in just 12-24 minutes of your time, 4 days a week without fitness taking over your entire life in the process or having to step foot in a gym
simply CLICK HERE to learn more
2- If you’d like to be part of our next group of busy guys over 40 who are effortlessly shedding
belly fat, doubling their energy and boosting their self-confidence faster than anything
they’ve tried before so that you can feel like an absolute rockstar in both the boardroom and the bedroom…
Just reach out to logan@lostfit.com with the subject line ‘Rockstar’ and I’ll shoot you over the details
3. Get access to my BRAND NEW FREE online training course showing you:
“How Businessmen Over 40 are Maximizing their Energy, Transforming the Way their
Clothes Fit & Dropping Belly Fat in Just 12-24 Mins a Day without Taking Over their Entire Life in the Process”
Click Here To Access The Free Training >>
Hey, Logan here,
I was speaking to an awesome guy the other
who said:
“Logan, I’m tired of spending half of my
weekend catching up on sleep instead of…
…spending time with my family
…doing things I enjoying doing outside of
…getting extra projects done around the house
And actually enjoying some downtime.
It always feels like I’m burning the candle
at both ends and I never have any time to
I don’t know if you’ve experienced this…
But a lot of busy guys are burning the candle
at both ends.
They’re getting up early and getting to the
Slamming back as much caffeine as they can
just to get through the day
Then by the time they get home with what
little energy they do have left they tend to
their families and have dinner
Only to find that after dinner they end up trying to decompress for a couple of hours by watching tv and having a drink or sweet snack just to take the edge off from the day.
Before they know it they’re being woken up in the middle of the night because they’ve fallen asleep on the couch again.
Most guys struggle with this and find themselves using the weekend to catch up on
sleep because they’re burning the candle at both ends.
In order to counteract this, you’ve got to be willing to stop constantly going full
throttle and start ensuring you’re taking time to refuel your own tanks.
Most guys actually find that after doing this just for a few days end up with more energy and more productivity.
And they’re usually getting more done in less
Think of it like this…
If you’re an F1 driver, there’s no way that you can just constantly go full throttle around the track and not take at least one
pit stop.
Not only would your tires burn out
Your engine would overheat
But you’d probably be worn out in the process.
I don’t know if you’d be interested or not?
But if you’d like to go from spending your weekend in bed catching up on sleep and instead….
…have the energy to enjoy your weekends to
spend quality time with your family
…maybe go out on a nice date night with your
significant other
And be able to have a couple of beers and watch the game without falling asleep on the sofa…
Then shoot me a message with the word: “Weekend Energy” here:
OR go here:
In your corner,
Hey, Logan here,
Dunno if you’ve experienced this…
But I was chatting with a client of mine the other day and he
“I was burning the candle at both ends in my professional life that left very little time for my personal life…
…I had no energy throughout the day and was burned out by 2:15 in the afternoon
By the time I would get home in the evenings…
I would find myself laying on the couch and then falling asleep on the couch
I’d get home from work and my kids would want to play, shoot hoops in the driveway, kick a
soccer ball in the grass, throw a football and I just flat out didn’t have the energy for it…
I was too tired to sit up and even play a board game with them
They were willing to meet me where I was, I just didn’t have the energy to meet them back…
Much less, should a work-related dinner pop up in the evening … I would do almost anything I could to avoid those kinds of
extra-curricular activities in the evening because I was just so gassed.”
Maybe you can relate?
But this is a common theme I see amongst most high-performing men over 40.
But I totally get why it can be hard.
After a long day of being switched “ON” to be the best possible boss and leader at work…
…then fueling up on caffeine or convenience food just to keep alert
It can be exhausting by the end of the day.
Possibly like how I felt after I overindulged during my birthday last month.
Now, I’m all about having fun
In fact, I had an amazing time with family.
We had all the goods lined up to eat…
Pizza, Wings, and my absolute favorite, red velvet cake…
Let’s just say, I enjoyed myself 🙂
But it got me thinking…
Sure, I had a great time indulging a bit
But I woke up the next morning feeling groggy, bloated, and by the afternoon felt like I needed a nap just to push through
By the time the early evening hit…
I was tapped out.
My wife wanted my attention and all I wanted to was just chill out on the couch and be left to my own devices so I could hopefully feel fresh the next day.
The majority of the guys I work with experience this daily…
They’ll grab something like a quick biscuit or bagel for breakfast…
…then maybe grab a burger and fries for lunch
Then their wife may cook them a hardy meal for dinner only to finish it off with a few
cocktails or beers for dessert just to take the edge off after a long day of work.
But in my experience fueling a body like this is a sure-fire way to…
… wake up in the morning feeling groggy and out of sorts
…needing multiple hits of caffeine to get to the afternoon only to feel like you need a catnap just to push through to the end of the day
And by the time the end of the day hits, there’s just zero energy left to give.
Think of it like this…
If someone were to take a high performing sports car that required high octane fuel
And they decided to put in crappy fuel
It would be very hard for the car to perform at its highest level
The same thing applies to your body.
Premium Fuel= Premium Performance
Crappy Fuel= Crappy Performance
You see,
How we treat and fuel our bodies on a daily basis will dictate how we show up and perform.
Make sense?
I don’t know if having all day long energy, even into the evening is something you’d be interested or not?
But if it is,
I’m going to be putting a few determined businessmen
over 40 together here soon…
In 12 Short Weeks, we’re going to get rid of tiredness, for good…
…so they can reclaim 2+ hours in their day & get back the energy of their early 20’s & sustain it all day long
…put an end to the 2 pm crash and having to fuel their day with caffeine
…and easily drop up to 12-34lbs in the process
It doesn’t require sacrificing your schedule, going to the gym, or taking over your entire life to pull it off.
Would you be interested in joining us?
If so, just shoot me a quick message with the word “Boost” here:
or go here:
to learn more.
In your corner,