The more you fail, the luckier you'll get -

The more you fail, the luckier you’ll get

“Fail, Fast, Fail Often…”

Is a saying you might tend to hear from most
successful individuals.

And you know what, my man.

I couldn’t agree more.

See, in order to expand and progress across
any area of life, you must get comfortable
with failing.

As failing will teach you immediately what
NOT to do…

And have you consider better solutions to
take you one step closer toward your goals.

So today I figured I’d share some critical
lessons with you that I’ve learned from my
own failures.

Read on squire and implement away.

1. Challenge Everything

If you don’t begin to challenge things inside
your life…

You will continue to be challenged yourself.

So consider today to start placing high
demand on your Body, Mindset, Relationship,
and Business in a way that will challenge you
to show up as a better man.

Otherwise, continue to react to things and
watch as things slowly begin to crumble
around you.

2. Struggle

Sure it might sound contradictive…

But in order for you to obtain the results
you want…

You will have to experience some element of

So why not go after something WORTH
struggling for?

3. Treat your entire life as ONE

Want to improve your body so you can gain
more confidence?

Yet your relationship at home resembles more
of a Relation-shit…good luck.

Want to improve your relationships so you can
have more connection and might add..more sex?

Yet you continue to ignore your better half
throughout the week, you never consistently
plan special date nights and you expect that
when the weekend rolls around that she’ll be
be ready to sack up for a good time..think

Want to improve your business and make more
money so you can continue to THRIVE and
provide for those you love most in your

Yet you are constantly in a state of
overwhelm, you’re stressed out and full of

I think you get the point.

And I can tell you from my experience when
you shift your attention from focusing on
just one area…and begin to focus on ALL

Just sit back and watch your life begin to
grow in ways you (or anyone else around you)
couldn’t have ever IMAGINED.

There you have it.

3 Critical Lessons from my own failures.

Do with them what you will.

Oh and in case you’re looking to learn from
your failures at a much faster rate so you
can stop doing crap that isn’t working for here.

Logan ‘Failing Fast’ Henry

About the Author Logan Henry