Why you keep falling off the wagon (and how to actually benefit from it) - Logan-Henry.com

Why you keep falling off the wagon (and how to actually benefit from it)

Regardless if it’s fat loss, getting lean, becoming fit, or just reaching your full potential in any area of life

Psychology will play a huge role in your overall success.

Focusing on the point of fat loss..

Let’s dive deep into progression so you can finally start seeing actual Results.

Breaking down your diet..

I hear it all the time from people.. “Diet’s just don’t work for me”

You’re wrong..

Diet’s do work..at least the one’s that are fit specifically for you, mapped out by calculated macronutrients and making sure your in a proper caloric deficit

The problem is that most people jump between one diet to another without really in sense of direction


Worse, they hear the cliche advice just “eat clean” and you’ll be fine

First off when it comes to “eating clean” your body has no idea whether your eating “clean” or “dirty” foods..(more on this rant for a later post)

Most will start a diet with good intentions, but they are usually just going through the motions with no real plan of action..

When the Struggles Come Out To Play

As soon as things start get tough or temptations start to occur in your life

You end up falling into the same bad habits you had once before

Using the typical excuse “nothing will work for me”


“Why Bother”

The Inevitable Plateau

It’s going to happen I promise you

You will plateau, but you need to know how to fix it once it happens

In the initial stages of your transformation journey you begin to see progress..

Start losing weight at a rapid rate, you feel incredible, your feeling as confident as can be..

Than it happens

Progress comes to a halt and you decide to try and trick your body by cutting even more calories in your diet..

Bad move..Your body will fight back making you eventually surrender and fail yet again

The Problem Thinking Short Term

We live in the society of instant gratification

So getting things fast is just the norm..

but when it comes to losing weight or getting lean you must be clear and set expectations that can be progressively met.

The Path to Success

In order to achieve lasting Results you must thing long term..

Create a plan of action that has you gradually losing weight throughout a specific period of time

It’s time to go beyond the quick-fix..because if you don’t you will remain exactly the same





because you tried putting the effort in, but in reality you didn’t reach the goals you set for yourself

Instead of Focusing on what you don’t have already..

Focus on how far you’ve come (hear me out)

Before you started your transformation journey, how did you feel?

Always Tired and Rundown…

What did your daily routine look like?

Get home from a busy day of work, crash instantly because of how exhausted you were..

How did you used to eat or move?

Little or a lot..

We tend to beat ourselves up if we haven’t accomplished our biggest goal..

However, the very reason most are stuck is because they are forgetting to celebrate the small wins

Getting Real with Yourself

Where are you at right now?

Being honest with yourself is a tough thing to do, but it can be the one thing to actually allow you to gain traction in your overall transformation

99.99% of the time it’s often something small that you’ve been ignoring, you’re not missing out on some magical formula

Are you staying consistent with your training and getting in at least 3 days a week?

Have you been consistent with your overall nutrition?

Are you getting enough sufficient sleep?

How’s your hydration?

These little things

Though they seem small will amount to RADICAL results if you just stay consistent with all of them

Where in the world are you going?  

I’m serious here

Most people get caught up in the quick-fix and don’t realize that a true transformation is backed by firm habits that don’t just come into play

over night…


Results Aren’t Linear

Your body is smart and will try to remain in homeostasis (the current state of your body) as long as it can

If you try to cut in terms of calories or the dreaded mistake of cardio overload..

Than you my friend will lose this battle


Facing Truth

Two things to take in to account..(seriously write this down)

1. Weight loss will never ever happen in a linear fashion

2. Stop worrying about the scale. Scale weight is very inaccurate and serves little importance in terms of measuring your

overall progression (keep reading for more on this)

Whether it’s water retention, food intake, training, gaining lean muscle, or filled glycogen levels

your weight will fluctuate on a daily basis

Why Measuring by “Weight” Alone Sucks

I understand, it’s a tangible number to track..there’s just much better (more accurate) ways to depict progress

Don’t get me wrong you should write down the progress that you have made from week to week , but..

Things like body fat measurements and updated progress photos will give you a more accurate reading of your overall progress

In the end it goes further than “hey, how much weight have you lost..?”

The real question is..

How does your body look and most important how do you feel?

If you lost 30 pounds of fat (that’s more than awesome), but are you flaccid looking with no real definition and you still aren’t happy in your own body..

Then please tell me again why scale weight matters..

Bringing it All Together

  • Enjoy your journey of change and let it be fun
  • Avoid the quick fix, focus on long term success
  • Celebrate the small victories
  • Stop obsessing over your weight

and finally

  • Be consistent and overall be ruthlessly committed to lasting change 

Logan “Mindset Extraordinaire” Henry

PS If you keep experiencing the same struggles, your constantly stuck seeing no progress in your body, and you finally want to get clarity on how to achieve the results you desire click below to Apply for a Strategy Session

Click Here For Your Strategy Session 







About the Author Logan Henry