I seriously hate when this happens
Earlier in the week I planned on getting my
workout in early to of course start my day
with power..
The kicker here..
I slept in
Possibly from finishing off a long work day
and than indulging on a couple episodes of
(crazy show btw, more on this later)
However, I digress
I felt like a failure, like my whole day was
thrown off
Hard keeping focused on my entire plan for
the rest of the day
You been there?
I’m not spilling this to you to praise all
about training.
I have those day where at best I can tolerate
When stress takes over
Mind is going in a thousand different
Just like I’m sure you go through from time
to time
but I also refuse to feel like crap
So yeah..even with the hard days..I still get
it in
Reminds me of the busy guys within the lfit
They’ll hit an all time high, then LIFE hits
them hard
and they feel like giving up
So why if we want it so bad do we end up
giving up?
It comes down to this
When we don’t do the very actions we said we
would do we feel like we can’t do anything we
It challenges our own beliefs within
‘This happened at work, so I feel defeated’
‘Relationship stress is making it tough for
me to focus’
So how can we keep the belief within
ourselves and stay on FIRE (in a good way
Stop trying to conquer everything at once
Start small..and WIN big
What do I mean
If someone tells me they’ve had a tough week
or there’s external stress that’s holding
them back
I simply have them cut back on a few things
Could be on the overall days they train
The overall days they stick with nutrition
Making it so ‘easy’ there really is no chance
for failure
I would rather someone conquer at a few small
Then have them shoot for the stars and barley
accomplish anything
This is the same stuff I teach to all my
guys within the Lost Elite to overcome
struggles and obtain sustainable results
Find out more here:
PS Coming out with something special for all
lfit followers that will help guide you
to the ultimate transformation
even if you don’t get to take part within the
official elite realm
More deets on this later
Stay tuned