So after having long busy days
I usually tend to close the night off
spendings some relax time with my better half
She usually fills me in on the latest drama
that’s happening over on the good ole
From funny
to sad
to straight up disturbing..
I get to hear about it
and the other night there was a post she
couldn’t wait to tell me about
Long story short
Close friend of ours wrote a book
but was nervous in posting the first few
Seeming afraid of what others might think
My love being the badass she is said this:
‘The greatest enemy of success is fear! Post
that shit!’
(A little of me must have rubbed off on her
Which now brings me to my point
and why this applies to YOU my man
Everything you want lies on the other side of
your fear..
Everything that is NEW..
And will give you the ability to access all
levels of POWER
Within your Body
Within your Relationships
Within your Business or Career
It’s going to require you to leave what you
already know in search for something new
^In between your current situation and the
Fear that’s created in our minds as to why we
can’t do something..
In our friends case..
She created this story in her head that bad
things would happen if she posted her work
for anyone to see..
Afraid of being judged by others (more on
this in a later email)
In your world how often are you creating
these mythical stories in your head that are
holding you back from what you truly want..
It might be so difficult for you to face,
that you never even give yourself a chance..
Maybe it’s in your BODY..
You’re overweight
You’re Embarrassed by having to cover things
You’re Constantly Unhappy
You’re Constantly Stressed
An you want to make things happen in your
life physically, but you’ve created this big
story in your head saying to yourself
“It’s going to be so painful”
“It’s going to be horrible”
“It’s going to be awful”
“What will others think of me”
All these thoughts pop in your head and you
surrender without even trying..
You don’t even attempt to make the changes
that will in the end IMPACT your entire life
for the better
I knew our friend was nervous to post the
work she had put together
But she took a chance
And though it might seem so small to most
It was a big feat for her to do..
So take a second
Look across the board inside all areas of
your life..
Including the area of your health and
What if you took a look at your current
situations and you knew things needed to
change in your life
And the only thing holding you back is fear
based stories that you keep telling
That is holding you back from getting to
experience that fulness and wholeness within
your life..
2nd thing you can take away from this..
What is one thing you can do today to tackle
and overcome that fear..
Logan “Resist Resistance” Henry
PS Final times are winding up for the LostFit
I have no doubt in my mind slots will be
filled by the end of next week
So if you’ve been waiting, sitting on the
sidelines, clicking the links, but never
taking ACTION
Now is your chance to change that
>>Click Here to Claim Your Spot Now
so you can finally get the results you want
and have a transformation that carries over
into all areas of your life