‘Well they say if you do this that you will
get this..”
^A classic saying that I’m sure you’ve heard
uttered by someone somewhere before
Regardless of the topic..
People believe ‘they’ are right
Especially with all the non sense tossed
around in the health and wellness industry
Its hard to grasp whats right and whats wrong
Because in all reality…
Who the hell is ‘they’ and how are you
certain they’re right..?
Lets cut the small talk, breakthrough the BS
and get this party started, my good friend:
Most fitness peeps or gurus will have you
believe breakfast is the most important meal
of the day
Far from it
Its actually the LEAST important meal of the
day and you should be saving that lumberjack
appetite of yours for later in the day
Note: that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good breakfast
just that it’s not the most important meal of the day
Listen and listen clearly
You stoke your metabolism by training
Thinking a quick 15 min jog on the elliptical
and eating every 3 hours will fire up your
metabolism is a great pipe dream
but its FAR from reality
Train Smarter and have a eating regimen that fits your lifestyle..
Don’t become a slave to food
Unless you plan on heading straight to the
toilet the moment you begin to train..
I’d hold off on that meal for later
Leave at least a 2 hour window after eating solid food
before hitting your workout
(all depends on if you’re doing the right kind of cardio)
If I was the ruler of all gyms or any fitness
I would personally burn every last piece of
cardio equipment
And unless you’re trying to escape from post
apocalyptic zombies..
STOP with the constant running
O and if you have ever experienced some
boring trainer that told you to get on a
cardio machine for a ‘warm-up’
you have my permission to go back and tell
them they’re wrong
This one literally takes the cake for the
biggest piece of BS I’ve heard
You will actually see better results if you
push the boundaries
and start eating like a real human being even if it’s 9:00 at night..
You’ll be fine.. I Promise
If you want to show up as a more Confident, more
ACCELERATE your results
Then please
Breakthrough the BS
and stop doing these 5 ridiculous things
Just like I teach my guys inside the LFit
elite arena inside here:
Logan ‘Who are they’ Henry